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Land Use and Forest Dynamics at Harvard Forest 1937-2013

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  • Lead: David Foster, Glenn Motzkin
  • Investigators: Arthur Allen, Paul Wilson
  • Contact: Information Manager
  • Start date: 1937
  • End date: 2013
  • Status: complete
  • Location: Prospect Hill Tract (Harvard Forest)
  • Latitude: +42.53 to +42.55 degrees
  • Longitude: -72.20 to -72.17 degrees
  • Elevation: 280 to 420 meter
  • Datum: WGS84
  • Taxa:
  • Release date: 2023
  • Language: English
  • EML file: knb-lter-hfr.15.24
  • DOI: digital object identifier
  • EDI: data package
  • DataONE: data package
  • Related links:
  • Study type: short-term measurement, modeling
  • Research topic: historical and retrospective studies; physiological ecology, population dynamics and species interactions; soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics
  • LTER core area: mineral cycling, disturbance patterns, land use and land cover change
  • Keywords: carbon, forest disturbance, land use, nitrogen, soil
  • Abstract:

    Modern vegetation patterns have developed as a result of species response to environmental gradients, disturbance history, and biotic interactions. However, the relative importance of environmental versus historical factors in determining modern species distributions may differ from site to site and may change with increasing time since disturbance. In addition, life-forms may differ in their response to environmental versus historical disturbance gradients. In the current study, we relate vegetation patterns across the Prospect Hill Tract of Harvard Forest to variability in edaphic factors and disturbance histories.

    Modern species distribution patterns are related to both edaphic and disturbance gradients. Although species respond individualistically to edaphic and disturbance gradients, land-use history, soil drainage, and C:N ratio are good predictors of the distribution of many species. In contrast, 1938 hurricane damage is less important. Vascular species richness is related to historical land-use, with fewer species in historical woodlots than on former agricultural sites. This is contrary to what has been reported from several other studies, and may reflect the dominance of historical woodlots in the study area by hemlock, a species that creates environmental (i.e. light and soil) conditions that are unsuitable for many species. Historical land-use does not appear to influence bryophyte species richness, although the distributions of several species do follow patterns of land-use. Species richness also varies according to soil drainage, with higher bryophyte, herb, and shrub richness and lower overstory and understory tree richness on wetter sites.

  • Methods:

    Vascular vegetation was sampled on 269 1/8th acre (22.5 x 22.5 m) plots and bryophytes were sampled on a subset of 105 plots. Many of the plots had been previously sampled in 1937 as part of the Harvard Forest inventory. A comprehensive data set of edaphic variables developed for these plots includes soil drainage, texture, organic matter content, bulk density, pH, CEC, base saturation, cation concentrations, and C:N ratio. Field and archival records were used to summarize disturbance histories for each plot, including historical land-use, date of abandonment, 1938 hurricane damage, and fire and forest management history.

  • Organization: Harvard Forest. 324 North Main Street, Petersham, MA 01366, USA. Phone (978) 724-3302. Fax (978) 724-3595.

  • Project: The Harvard Forest Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program examines ecological dynamics in the New England region resulting from natural disturbances, environmental change, and human impacts. (ROR).

  • Funding: National Science Foundation LTER grants: DEB-8811764, DEB-9411975, DEB-0080592, DEB-0620443, DEB-1237491, DEB-1832210.

  • Use: This dataset is released to the public under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 (No Rights Reserved). Please keep the dataset creators informed of any plans to use the dataset. Consultation with the original investigators is strongly encouraged. Publications and data products that make use of the dataset should include proper acknowledgement.

  • License: Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal (CC0-1.0)

  • Citation: Foster D, Motzkin G. 2023. Land Use and Forest Dynamics at Harvard Forest 1937-2013. Harvard Forest Data Archive: HF015 (v.24). Environmental Data Initiative:

Detailed Metadata

hf015-01: plots

  1. plot: plot number (1-269)
  2. aspect: aspect measured by compass (degrees, 0-359) (unit: number / missing value: NA)
  3. slope: slope (degrees, not percent) (unit: number / missing value: NA)
  4. position: landscape position (factor with levels: LOW, MID LOW, MID, MID LEV, UPPER). Documentation of the level meanings not found, from 1992 survey.
  5. relief: microrelief, probably related to prevalence of pits/mounds and stumps (factor with levels 1-4). Documentation of the level meanings not found, from 1992 survey.
  6. rocks: cover-abundance of rocks
    • 0: none
    • 1: less than 1%
    • 2: 1-3%
    • 3: less than 5%
    • 4: 5-15%
    • 5: 16-25%
    • 6: 26-50%
    • 7: 51-75%
    • 8: greater than 75%
  7. hurricane: 1938 hurricane damage (1-6)
  8. fire1957: 1957 fire
    • 1: Y
    • 2: N
  9. abandon: abandonment date for sites that were cleared for agriculture. After Foster map of abandonment in HF Archives.
  10. series: soil series
    • 1: Canton loam
    • 2: Whitman loam
    • 3: Montauk fine sandy loam
    • 4: Scituate loam
    • 5: Charlton loam
    • 6: Brookfield loam
    • 7: peat
    • 8: Agawam fine sandy loam
    • 9: Windsor loamy sand
    • 10: rock outcrop
    • 11: shallow peat
    • 12: made land
    • 13: Freetown muck
    • 14: Chatfield fine sandy loam
  11. use: most intensive historical land-use
    • 1: cultivated
    • 2: improved pasture
    • 3: unimproved pasture
    • 4: woodlot
  12. drainage: soil drainage
    • 1: somewhat excessively drained
    • 2: well drained
    • 3: moderately well drained
    • 4: poorly drained
    • 5: very poorly drained
    • 6: somewhat poorly drained
  13. plantation: plantation
    • 1: yes
    • 0: no
  14. scs: SCS (NRCS) soils analyses conducted
    • 1: yes
    • 0: no
  15. moss: plots in which bryophytes were sampled
    • 1: yes
    • 0: no

hf015-02: trees

  1. plot: plot number
  2. species: species code
    • ACPE: Acer pensylvanicum
    • ACRU: Acer rubrum
    • ACSA: Acer saccharum
    • ACSP: Acer spicatum
    • AMSP: Amelanchier sp. (often this is considered a shrub)
    • ARSP: Aralia spinosa (not a tree)
    • BEAL: Betula alleghaniensis
    • BELE: Betula lenta
    • BEPA: Betula papyrifera
    • BEPO: Betula populifolia
    • CADE: Castanea dentata
    • FAGR: Fagus grandifolia
    • FRAM: Fraxinus americana
    • FRNI: Fraxinus nigra
    • JUVI: Juniperus virginiana
    • MASP: Malus sp.
    • NYSY: Nyssa sylvatica
    • OSVI: Ostrya virginiana
    • PHSP: Phellodendron sp.
    • PISP: Picea sp.
    • PIRE: Pinus resinosa
    • PIRU: Picea rubens
    • PIST: Pinus strobus
    • PISY: Pinus sylvestris
    • POSP: Polygonum sp. (not a tree)
    • POGR: Populus grandidentata
    • POTR: Populus tremuloides
    • PRPE: Prunus pensylvanica
    • PRSE: Prunus serotina
    • QUAL: Quercus alba
    • QURU: Quercus rubra
    • SOAM: Sorbus americana
    • THOC: Thuja occidentalis
    • TIAM: Tilia americana
    • TSCA: Tsuga canadensis
    • ULSP: Ulmus sp.
    • UNKN: Unknown sp.
  3. dbh: diameter at breast height (unit: centimeter / missing value: NA)
  4. status: status
    • L: live
    • D: dead
  5. sprouts: within a plot, stems with the same sprout number (e.g. ‘S1’) share a base

hf015-03: understory

  1. plot: sampling plot number
  2. acpe: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  3. acru: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  4. acsa: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  5. ag: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  6. ar: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  7. arnu: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  8. artr: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  9. as: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  10. asac: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  11. asdi: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  12. atfe: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  13. beal: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  14. bele: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  15. bepa: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  16. bepo: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  17. brer: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  18. casp: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  19. cadb: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  20. cade: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  21. cape: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  22. casw: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  23. catr: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  24. clbo: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  25. co: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  26. coal: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  27. coca: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  28. coco: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  29. cogr: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  30. cr: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  31. cyac: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  32. dare: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  33. dasp: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  34. depu: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  35. drma: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  36. drsp: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  37. epre: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  38. fagr: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  39. fram: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  40. gapr: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  41. gr: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  42. havi: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  43. ilve: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  44. imca: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  45. juco: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  46. kaan: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  47. kala: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  48. loca: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  49. lyan: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  50. lycl: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  51. lyco: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  52. lylu: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  53. lyob: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  54. lyqu: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  55. maca: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  56. mevi: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  57. mire: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  58. mohy: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  59. moun: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  60. nemu: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  61. nysy: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  62. onse: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  63. osci: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  64. oscl: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  65. paqu: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  66. pi: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  67. piru: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  68. pist: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  69. poac: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  70. poci: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  71. popu: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  72. posi: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  73. pr: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  74. prse: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  75. ptaq: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  76. py: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  77. qual: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  78. quru: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  79. rh: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  80. rhra: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  81. ru1: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  82. rual: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  83. ruid: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  84. rupu: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  85. smra: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  86. so: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  87. soam: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  88. soru: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  89. spla: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  90. thno: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  91. thsi: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  92. trbo: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  93. trun: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  94. tsca: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  95. un: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  96. uvse: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  97. vaan: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  98. vaco: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  99. vava: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  100. vi: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  101. viac: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  102. vial: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  103. vica: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  104. vide: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  105. vio: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  106. tacpe: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  107. tacru: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  108. tacsa: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  109. tbeal: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  110. tbele: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  111. tbepa: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  112. tbepo: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  113. tcade: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  114. tfagr: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  115. tfram: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  116. tnysy: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  117. tpi: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  118. tpire: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  119. tpiru: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  120. tpist: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  121. tpogr: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  122. tprse: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  123. tqual: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  124. tquru: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present
  125. ttsca: presence or absence of all herb, shrub, and sapling (less than 2.5 cm dbh) species
    • 0: absent
    • 1: present

hf015-04: mosses

  1. plot: sampling plot number
  2. species: species code
    • ANAT: Anomodon attenuatus
    • ANRU: Andreaea rupestris
    • ANSP: Anacamptodon splachnoides
    • ATAN: Atrichum angustatum
    • ATCR: Atrichum crispum
    • ATUN: Atrichum undulatum
    • AUPA: Aulacomnium palustre
    • BATR: Bazzania trilobata
    • BRCU: Brachythecium curtum
    • BRNO: Bryhnia novae-angeliae
    • BROX: Brachythecium oxycladon, & other large, plicate Brachy.
    • BRPS: Bryum pseudotriquetrum
    • BRRC: Bryoerthrophyllum recurvirostre
    • BRRE: Brotherella recurvans
    • BRRF: Brachythecium reflexum
    • BRRU: Brachythecium rutabulum
    • BRSA: Brachythecium cf. salebrosum
    • BRTU: Brachythecium turgidum
    • CAFI: Calypogeia fissa
    • CAHA: Callicladium haldanianum
    • CESP: Cephaloziella sp.
    • DIAP: Diplophyllum apiculatum
    • DIFL: Dicranum flagellare
    • DIFO: Diphyscium foliosum
    • DIFU: Dicranum fulvum
    • DIHE: Dicranella heteromalla
    • DIMO: Dicranum montanum
    • DIPO: Dicranum polysetum
    • DISC: Dicranum scoparium
    • DIVI: Dicranum viride
    • ENSE: Entodon seductrix
    • FRSP: Frullania sp.
    • GRAP: Grimmia apocarpa
    • HECI: Hedwigia ciliata
    • HEST: Herzogiella striatella
    • HYIM: Hypnum imponens
    • HYPA: Hypnum pallescens
    • JAAU: Jamesoniella autumnalis
    • JUPU: Jungermannia cf. pumila
    • LEGL: Leucobryum glaucum
    • LERE: Lepidozia reptans
    • LOSP: Lophocolea sp.
    • MESP: Metzguria sp.
    • MNAF: Mnium affine, and possibly M. cuspidata
    • MNHO: Mnium hornum
    • MNPU: Mnium punctatum, M. cinclidiodes
    • NOCU: Nowellia curvifolia
    • ODDE: Odontoschisma denudatum, etc.
    • ORRU: Orthotrichum rupestre
    • PALO: Paraleucobryum longifolium
    • PALY: Pallavicinia lyellii
    • PLCA: Plagiothecium cavifolium
    • PLLA: Plagiothecium laetum
    • PLRE: Platygyrium repens
    • PLSC: Pleurozium schreberi
    • PLSU: Pleurodium subulatum
    • POCO: Polytrichum commune
    • POJU: Polytrichum juniperinum
    • PONU: Pohlia nutans
    • POPL: Porella platyphylla
    • PSTE: Pseudoleskeella tectorum
    • PTCR: Ptilium crista-castrensis
    • PTFI: Pterigynandrum filiforme
    • PTSP: Ptilidium sp. (P. ciliare, P. pulcherrimum)
    • RACO: Radula complanata
    • SCNE: Scapania nemorea
    • SPCA: Sphagnum capillifolium
    • SPGI: Sphagnum cf. girgensonii
    • SPSP: Sphagnum section Sphagnum
    • SPTE: Sphagnum teres
    • STSE: Steerecleus serrulatus
    • SUBS: Substrate
    • TEPE: Tetraphis pellucida
    • THDE: Thuidium delicatulum
    • ULCO: Ulota coarctata
    • ULCR: Ulota crispa
  3. soil: estimated abundance of each bryophyte species in 1994 on the following substrate: soil
    • 1: present
    • 2: abundant
    • 3: very abundant
  4. mound: estimated abundance of each bryophyte species in 1994 on the following substrate: mound
    • 1: present
    • 2: abundant
    • 3: very abundant
  5. dead: estimated abundance of each bryophyte species in 1994 on the following substrate: dead wood
    • 1: present
    • 2: abundant
    • 3: very abundant
  6. base: estimated abundance of each bryophyte species in 1994 on the following substrate: base of trees
    • 1: present
    • 2: abundant
    • 3: very abundant
  7. live: estimated abundance of each bryophyte species in 1994 on the following substrate: live trees
    • 1: present
    • 2: abundant
    • 3: very abundant
  8. rock: estimated abundance of each bryophyte species in 1994 on the following substrate: rocks
    • 1: present
    • 2: abundant
    • 3: very abundant
  9. total: for each species, the estimated abundance of each bryophyte species summed across substrates and transformed into an index of total abundance ranging from 0-4

hf015-05: soils

  1. plot: plot.92 (185 of the 269 plots had soils sampled)
  2. pit: pit within the plot (3 pits within most plots; 3 plots only have 2 pits)
  3. om: percent organic matter (%); Harvard Forest lab analysis (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  4. bdgcc: bulk density, corrected for gravel (g/cm3); HF lab analysis (unit: gramsPerCubicCentimeter / missing value: NA)
  5. bdgcc.corr: bulk density corrected for plastic sleeve used inside the corer. Column 4 (bdgcc) was calculated based on volume of a 5cm corer. However, with the plastic sleeve, the actual diameter of the soil core is 4.7cm. Therefore, bdgcc is multiplied by (2.5^2.5)/(2.35^2.35)...the pi in the area formula cancels out. (unit: gramsPerCubicCentimeter / missing value: NA)
  6. ph: pH determined using 1:2 mineral soil in HF lab (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  7. gravel: percent gravel (%); HF lab analysis (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  8. siltclay: percent silt & clay, uncorrected for organic matter (%); HF lab analysis (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  9. clay: total percent clay (%); analysis by Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Lab in Lincoln, NE (NRCS) (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  10. silt: total % silt (%); analysis by NRCS (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  11. sand: total % sand (%);analysis by NRCS (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  12. fsi: % fine silt (%);analysis by NRCS ms: % medium sand (%); analysis by Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Lab in Lincoln, NE (NRCS) (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  13. cosi: % fine silt (%);analysis by NRCS ms: % medium sand (%); analysis by Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey Lab in Lincoln, NE (NRCS) (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  14. vfs: % very fine sand; analysis by NRCS (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  15. fs: % fine sand; analysis by NRCS (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  16. ms: % medium sand; analysis by NRCS (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  17. cos: % coarse sand (%);analysis by NRCS (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  18. vcos: % very coarse sand; analysis by NRCS (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  19. ceccly: ratio of Cation Exchange Capacity to clay; analysis by NRCS (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  20. cax: NH4OAc extractable (cmol(+)/kg, detection limit 0.01); analysis by NRCS (unit: centimolePerKilogram / missing value: NA)
  21. mgx: NH4OAc extractable (cmol(+)/kg, detection limit 0.01) analysis by NRCS (unit: centimolePerKilogram / missing value: NA)
  22. nax: NH4OAc extractable (cmol(+)/kg, detection limit 0.01) analysis by NRCS (unit: centimolePerKilogram / missing value: NA)
  23. kx: NH4OAc extractable (cmol(+)/kg, detection limit 0.01) analysis by NRCS (unit: centimolePerKilogram / missing value: NA)
  24. sumb: sum of NH4OAc extractable (cmol(+)/kg, detection limit 0.01) analysis by NRCS (unit: centimolePerKilogram / missing value: NA)
  25. cec: NH4OAc cation exchange capacity (cmol(+)/kg, detection limit 0.01) analysis by NRCS (unit: centimolePerKilogram / missing value: NA)
  26. bsat: NH4OAc base saturation % analysis by NRCS (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  27. cgkg: total soil C, using Fison CHN at HF lab (says g/kg but low by a factor of 100) (unit: gramsPerKilogram / missing value: NA)
  28. ngkg: total soil N, using Fison CHN at HF lab (says g/kg but low by a factor of 100) (unit: gramsPerKilogram / missing value: NA)
  29. gcgsoil: like cgkg but units corrected so they are grams C per g soil (unit: gramsPerGram / missing value: NA)
  30. gngsoil: like ngkg but units corrected so they are grams N per g soil (unit: gramsPerGram / missing value: NA)
  31. cn: based on the Fison CHN measurements; the C:N ratio (unit: dimensionless / missing value: NA)
  32. soils.13: soil sampling in 2013
    • 1: soils sampled in 2013 from this plot
    • 0: no soil sampling from this plot in 2013

hf015-06: Prospect Hill 1992 species list

  1. type: plant or moss
  2. number: number
  3. code: species code
  4. species: species name

hf015-07: plot locations

  • Compression: zip
  • Format: Esri shapefile
  • Type: vector GIS